If the communication you need is very simple, like e.g. just to get X
modbus register values from the unit then opening a serial og tcp/ip
link and sending a fixed string to the unit (assuming it's a
slave...is it?) will do the trick. Then you'll get back a string that
is fairly easy to decode into an array. I can make an example for you
if you specify whether the unit is a slave or a master and what
registers you want and do you need to read or write them?

If you need to do more, buying a third party modbus library or
building one yourself is the solution. Serial VIs or TCP/IP VIs will
be at the bottom of the necessary code, but on top you need code to
generate and decode modbus messages. If buying is the preferred way to
go just try searching for modbus driver for LabVIEW on the net. I know
you can find one at www.cardiac.no, but that only supports serial
modbus as far as I know.

If you want to get to know the protocol check out the documents
available at www.modbus.org

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