Under normal conditions a time signal will be Real while the spectrum
is Complex. It is easy to display the real time signal on a graph but,
as mentioned earlier, to display the complex spectrum you normally
convert the result into two real plots, respectively the magnitude
spectrum and the phase spectrum.

There are ways of displaying complex arrays on a graph, for example
using an XY-graph and displaying the real part on the x-axis and the
imaginary part on the y-axis, but I don't think it is what you want to

To read more about the topic (FFT, complex representation etc.), see
for example the LabVIEW Measurement Manual (Chapter 13) "Frequency
Analysis". You can access the manual when you launch the "Search the
LabVIEW Bookshelf" either from your Start>>Programs>>National
Instruments>>LabVIEW ... or from the Help menu of any VI window.

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