
E. Blasberg wrote on Sun, 15 Feb 2004 12:52:11 +0200:
> Well, they're expecting very large peaks on the order of microseconds 
> and they were afraid that too low a sampling rate would miss the true 
> peak.
Acquiring analog signals always inherits the risk of 'missing' the peak (in
the sense of not getting its highest value). There's almost ever some
analogue filtering that changes the amplitude and almost ever also the
phase af a signal. 
The point is to decide what is acceptabel and what not.
IF one, however, is only interested in the resulting amplitude or the best
time approximation of any peak, one could estimate those with some
Search your waveform for any raw peaks. Get the nearest neigbours around
the most extreme value hou have measured (snippet). Perform a quadratic fit
on each snippet for A = at^2 +bt. Do a mathematical differentiatiation and
set this equation to zero (find the most extreme value of the fitted
equation): 0 = 2at+b. Get you value of t from that and calculate your value
of A from the fitted equation. Voila!

This may increase the timing resolution by at least 10 fold or even better,
depending on the clock stability of the DAQ device.

Just my € 0.02!
Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

Dr. Uwe Frenz
getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG
Oderstr. 59
D-14513 Teltow

Tel.  +49 3328 39 42 0
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