I have a memory leak problem with an application built under LabVIEW
6.0.2.  I have found that the source of the problem lies within a loop
of code that runs every minute.  It reads numbers from a remote data
socket server and appends the numbers to 75 text files using the Write
Characters to File.vi.  The code also does some calculations with
these numbers using formula nodes and discrete multiplication,
addition and subtraction, but it does little else and does not contain
any of the usual suspects for memory leaks.  This code will run
happily in LabVIEW for days, but when I try to build the application
and run it, the memory it uses and the number of handles shown in the
windows task manager gradually increase for 12 to 18 hours until the
app stops responding.

Is there a difference in how the VI and the compiled code access data
sockets or files that might contribute to this problem?  I have tried
compiling this on two computers and running it on a few others, so I
don't think that the problem is unique to the run time engine or
compiler on my computer.  I don't want to tie up LabVIEW to log this
data and I can't tolerate interruptions in the data collection.  In
addition, several other computers need intermittent access to this
data, so I don't want to get rid of the data socket communication.
Where can I turn when the compiled app does not work?

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