Hello Mudda,

It looks like you are trying to view two groups of data in the same
graph, and then send that graph to a report.

If your two columns of data are in separate arrays, you can use the
=93Build Array=94 function to combine those arrays into a two-dimensional
array (see =93Graph Waveform Arrays.vi=94 example, which can be found
under Help >> Find Examples).

A two-dimensional array can be wired directly into a graph.  The two
arrays will show up on the graph as different plots (in different
colors), both on the y-axis.  The data in the 10 range will show up
lower than the data in the 100 range.

If you want to plot your two data columns against each other on
different axis, wire a two-dimensional array into an =93XY Graph=94 (see
=93XY Graph.vi=94 example, which can be found under Help >> Find

To view a graph in a report using a report generation VI, use the
=93append front panel image to report=94 VI.  The LabVIEW Report
Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office will provide more report
functionality for adding graphs to Word and Excel, if you do not
already have it.

If these suggestions are not exactly what you are looking for, please
post more information so I can better assist you; or, ideally, attach
this portion of your application to examine.  Have a great day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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