I've never messed with PID's but I'm working on a project that I
thought would be simple until someone told me that I needed to
calibrate my system to another system using PID's.

So here goes with the question.  I have a pedistal that moves in the
up/down (elevation) and right/left (azimuth) positions.  I am to track
an object based on elevation and azimuth readings from another
pedistal.  So before I can track the object I need to sync, or
calibrate, my tracking system to the other system.  The way this is
done is by pointing both systems to the same location (say the top of
a mountain).  If the master system reads 35 degrees azimuth and 88
degrees elevation and my system reads 34.02 degrees azimuth and 89.20
degrees elevation I need to fine tune my system.  I can do this by
using 2 slider bars that control the up/down and left/right movement
of my system so that I can manually move my system to the correct
location.  Once my system is pointing in the right location, I'm
guessing I store some value.  Once the system is calibrated, I should
be able to track pretty close to where the master system is telling to

So thats pretty much all I know I should do.  But I don't know how to
develop this with PID's.  Does anyone have any suggestions, example,



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