
Can you elaborate what you mean by the system is lost?

Ben has suggested a good idea of posting the code in question.  It
would also be helpful to know which version of LabVIEW you are using
and which serial VIs you are using.  His clarification of the timeout
for the serial read is also a good suggestion.

You mention that you have a 100ms wait statement.  Is this in-between
when you write the command and read the response?  Sometimes the
hardware needs a small amount of time to respond to the command.
Putting a small delay between writing the command and reading the
response allows the instrument to respond.  If you have this wait
statement here already, try increasing the wait time.

Another option is to add a call to the "VISA Bytes at Serial Port"
property node.  This will allow you to check if data has been returned
from the device yet or if there is an error with the command you sent.

Try incrementing the wait time before reading a response and checking
how many bytes are at the serial port.  If they do not fix the
problem, please post all or a portion of your code so we can get a
better idea of the problem.

Grant M.
National Instruments

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