> My program requires the button to have the "Latch until released"
> property, so I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about
> using a notifier

The deal is that the latch behavior is defined to reset the button when 
it is read.  The problem is that when more than one location on the 
diagram reads the button, when does it reset?  It could reset on the 
first read, but that isn't what you want as only one loop would see it. 
  It could reset on a particular read, it could reset after all of the 
places have read it, but what if one of the loops reads it N times 
before the other loop reads it?  To "fix" this, LV requires you, the 
programmer to determine what behavior you want and reset the button 
yourself using a write local variable.  If you know how your loops run, 
or if they are synchronized, you can choose one to read and the other to 
read and reset.  Be careful here that you don't write a program that 
drops the button and doesn't let one loop see it.

The other suggestion was to use a notifier.  This means that the button 
belongs to one loop, and is read and latched by that loop.  The other 
loop instead reads from a notifier object in LV.  The loop that owns the 
button sets the notifier when it sees the button toggle.  The notifiers 
are located in the Advanced/Synchronization palette, and there are some 
examples of their use in the examples/general/notifier.llb, but they may 
not help that much.  You might be better off just reading about them in 
the manual.

Greg McKaskle

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