Hello LegalEngineer,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding VI instances with the same name.
It sounds like the wrong VIs are getting loaded into Testand because
they have the same file name. There are several Windows Utility VIs
available that could help in this case. One of the Utility VIs is
called Get Window Refnum and should return any instances of a window.
The following links are great resources when dealing with this issue.



These should help you get started in finding instances of VIs with the
same name. After this is implemented it shouldn=92t be hard to use a
dialog box to notify the user that some of the instance names match
and there could be a problem loading the correct VI into Testand.

Other responses similar to these can be found on the ni.com website by
clicking the support tab at the top of the home page. Then search for
=93refnum instances=94 from Technical Resources at the top of the page or
topics similar to this. I hope these resources help. Let me know if I
can further assist you.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

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