Gary and Scott;
I seem to be unable to deliver to the Labview Forum, so I'm attempting
to contact you directly
I hope this is alright. (BTW, I am reposting to the forum also, in case
it get revived, 
so I apologize if for the multiple copies). Please see message below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mahoney, Richard C 
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: Filter question

Gary,Scott, et al. Thanks for the responses

I am well aware of the fact that "that is what windowing does...". My
question was, if I'm measuring the Self noise of a
sigma delta A/D converter, which if any windowing function should be
used? Sorry, I should have worded it better. 

This "Hann or Hamming is recommended" is what I was looking for, but
even these have a difference in output
Although not really that considerable. Dies this recommendation come
from the "LabVIEW Signal 
Processing" source you cited in your message?

The fact that the values can change by so much based on the windowing
chosen, speaks volumes about the importance of choosing
the correct window. My actual requirements reads similar to: "The
self-noise at the output of the A/D converter over the band of interest
shall not have an amplitude greater than -XX dBV and have a total energy
that is no greater than -XX dBV within the band."
For the first measurements I've implemented an FFT Power Spectrum
function, and the 2nd an FFT Power Spectral Density function,
but The windowing function based on what I select has the ability to
change the Pass/Fail status of the measurement. 
This is why I'm asking. I could just code to PASS, but I want it to be
Thanks for any additional input
Rick M. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hannahs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 10:48 AM
To: Mahoney, Richard C; Info LabVIEW
Subject: Re: Filter question

At 07:15 -0500 02/20/2004, Mahoney, Richard C wrote:
>Is there a summarized list somewhere of why one particular windowing
function would be used over another
>in DSP measurements. I know if I select Hanning vs Hamming vs Exact
Blackman vs any other type
>that my returned values can vary by as much as 3dB!
>I am particularly interested in the accuracy of measuring a VME A/D
converter Board (of the sigma delta variety)
>Self Noise parameter (with differential inputs shorted together). I've
written a meas VI that implements the FFT
>Power Spectrum and FFT Power Spectral Density VI's but the windowing
function can change the results dramatically.

Well, that is what windowing does.  It is a problem of quantization in
frequency space.

If you have a pure tone that is not one of the frequency points but lies
between two points, you will get amplitude in neighboring frequency bins
of sin(w-wn)/(w-wn)  where wn is the freqency of the nth bin and w is
the pure frequncy.  This also changes the amplitude in the various bins.

Different windowing functions will changed the way that this signal
bleeds into different bins.  Some preserve signal height, some signal
width and some integrated power.  What windowing function you need
depends on what you are trying to measure.  Get a good book on FFTs.
(Bendat and Peirsol, Brigham, or Bracewell are ones I used long, long
ago, but the results haven't changed).

The other reason for windowing is that your signal is assumed to be
infinite and repetative at the signal length (ie all the values between
the  frequency points are zero).  Thus unless your last point is the
same as the first point, there will be a big discontinuity in the
repetative signal.  To get rid of this the windowing function will make
the signal go to zero at the ends.  (actually these two reasons are
mathematically identical).


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary W. Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 1:09 PM
To: Mahoney, Richard C; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Filter question


For noise measurements, Hann or Hamming are recommended. Always use 
the highest-level VIs for your measurements. They incorporate the 
correct scaling for effective noise bandwidth so that amplitude 
measurements are consistent and accurate. VIs from the Waveform 
Measurements palette in LV 6/7 are great, such as FFT Power Spectrum, 
which includes a selector for the window type. The new Express 
"Spectral Measurements" VI will also do very nicely.

Gary W. Johnson           Electronics Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(925) 423-0156            7000 East Ave., P.O. Box 808, L-183
Fax (925) 423-5804        Livermore, CA 94551-0808

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