I have read every post regarding how to obtain the phase difference
between 2 input signals of the same frequency. I am using Labview 7
and have simulated the signals into my vi and everything worked great.
I then input a signal into the 2 channels and used an RC filter to
induce a phase shift and I can't get the phase results to work,
althought the amplitude component works great.

I have tried extracting the phase info by using 3 methods a)tone
measurements interface in 7 b) spectral measurements interface in 7 c)
extract single tone information.vi

All of the above methods produce the same result, which unfortunately
is incorrect. I have set up the 2 inputs with DAQ Assistant and the
signals are good and 90 degrees out of phase.

After extracting the phase info from each signal using any of the
above methods, I subtract one from the other . I have tried both ways
of subtraction and no difference.

Any ideas? Do I have to trigger the signals externally or something
like that?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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