I have found two resources about date and time and their formats.

One is the <a
Standard 8601</a>, the second is a german <a
href="http://www.pjh2.de/datetime/weeknumber/index.php";>page</a>. On
this page along with other information all definitions used by Windows
is listed.

According to this page the ISO Standard has been established in Europe
and most industrial countries. In USA it is ANSI X3.30-1985(R1991) and

Since the ANSI definition you mentioned allows only Sunday (Jewish) or
Monday (Christian) as first day of the week it ignores the Islamic
world. For them the first day is Saturday. I could not gather
information about Buddhistic or Hinduism based countries.

For my application and the market aimed the ISO format is the one
which will be choosen. Using %W and handling of week 0 should do it.


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