> Hmmm - that works for me too.  In the real case, the "Object" has a
> subVI which has a subVI. I have to set those to subroutine as well,
> because a subroutine cannot call a non-subroutine priority VI.  But I
> think that's OK, in my case.
> If I do that, I get times of 8-9 mSec on the real object!
> I didn't try subroutine because I thought it would be the same as the
> other above-normal priorities - guess I was wrong.
> Still don't understand why, though.

I can explain why the subroutine will be faster than the other 
priorities, so I'll do that first.

Subroutine VIs are compiled with less code.  They are not debuggable, 
their panel is totally ignored, even if open, they cannot be suspended, 
and they do no scheduling (which is why they cannot contain or call 
asynchronous functions).  So subroutines are compiled more like a single 
blob of code with most of the niceties turned off.

Priorities on the otherhand, have little to do with how the VI is 
compiled, but with which OS thread os asked to execute.  Priorities do 
not speed things up, they just determine who takes cuts in line.  They 
don't work like an accelerator, they work like a horn.

Regular VIs are greatly affected by whether the panel is in memory and 
whether the panel is open.  I suspect that you have eliminated these 
affects, but it is always worth restating.  After any of these changes 
to priorities, perform a Save All before taking any timings.

So, what happens when a VI is shared between multiple callers at 
different priorities.  The subVI can only be run by one of them at a 
time, assuming it isn't reentrant, and if its preferred priority is set 
lower than one of the callers, it will be boosted to match the higher of 
the callers.

I'm not totally sure when the boosting takes place.  If this hapens at 
reserve time, then it shouldn't affect runtime performance like you 
describe.  If it happens on each subVI call, then it will have some 
effect, though I wouldn't expect as much as you describe.

For now, it sounds like you might want a subroutine anyway, and I'll ask 
around at work.

Greg McKaskle

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