> We have a couple of large LV apps that run under Win9x/2k/XP environments.
> We're using LV 7 for development.  When we launch the application (either
> built .exe or running within LV development environment) and watch the
> windows task manager, we see the app's memory usage increase.  At the end of
> some settling time it generally levels out to something around 120 MB.  Now
> after some arbitrary time we minimize the application's window, the memory
> usage will drop to something around 20 MB.  Ok, I would expect that, but
> when restoring the window, the mem usage does not increase back up to the
> original level, it maybe only goes up by another 10% of the original.  Is
> this expected?  Should we be programmatically minimizing/restoring the app
> to reduce the memory usage?  Perhaps there is something that could use the
> new "Request Deallocation" function?  But where to put it?

I would expect that after opening the window again, you will see the 
memory size climb again to its steady state.  This number by the way is 
influenced by several things, but is highly influenced by the OS memory 
allocation stratey.  Also, at some points, the OS can harvest pages of 
virtual memory address range from an app.  My guess is that they are 
leaving the freed pages in the app till you minimize.

If you want to use the Request Deallocation, the best usage is to place 
it in subVIs that are use enough memory to want it back, and are called 
seldom enough that the cost of deallocation and reallocation on next 
call isn't a problem.  Put it anywhere within that diagram and it will 
take effect during the subVI return.

Greg McKaskle

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