Hello Michal,

Thank you for your question regarding DataSocket. It sounds like you
would like to synchronize three classrooms using LabVIEW. DataSockets
seem like the obvious tool for this project. This allows you to
efficiently pass data over the Internet, and respond to multiple users
without the complexity of low-level TCP programming. Each DataSocket
connection corresponds to a specific piece of data that you want to
send and can be named so that you can refer to it. The connection to
the URL node can be a computer name on the same network as well as an
IP address so you don't have to worry about DHCP. There are some great
examples in LV7 for data sockets. Go to Help>>Find Examples Then
Browse by task. Select Networking>>DataSocket>>General and here you
can find many examples that use DataSocket to communicate between
computers. DS Read.vi and DS Write.vi are some simple ones to get you
started. One thing to remember is that the DataSocket server must be
running on the =93server classroom=94 computer. All this assumes that you
have LabVIEW running on all three computers. There are alternative
ways to approach this problem but if you have LabVIEW on all the
computers this may be the best way to implement your idea.

Other resources can be found on the ni.com website by clicking the
support tab at the top of the home page. Then search from Technical
Resources at the top of the page for your topic. I hope these
resources help! It sounds like a great project. Let me know if you
need any other support with this issue.

Shea C.
Applications Engineering

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