Hi all,
I am spawning reusable GUI using VIT (the spawn is created using VI server [Option input is empty on the Open VI ref], then the run method is invoke with "wait until done" set to false then in a while loop with timeout I wait until the FP.Open become true then I close the reference) . The spawned VI has the code for unloading itself from memory upon completion. If I proceed as described, then when the spawn process close itself, Labview "save changes" popup windows shows up. I do not want to see that popup window.
If I change my spawning technique such as I set the flag "Auto dispose ref" to true in the run method (and I DO NOT close the vi ref), everything work as anticipated (no "save change" windows popup).
Is this the expected behavior ?
I would feel much better if I could do the same thing and close the reference to the newly spawned process (even though labview is supposed to automatically disposes of the reference).
Thanks in advance

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