
I am using this write to spreadsheet file.vi.  I am continuously
writing to a file every 3 minutes.   I am using this VI 30 or more
times in my application to log temperatures from my ovens.  What I
wanted to ask is, does the array in the write to spreedsheet file.vi
get bigger?  I looked at it and it doesn't seem that it's keeping the
old values. The reason why I am asking is, I am getting an error 6
open file.  My path has no \r,\t or \n at the end, I looked into that.
The only thing that I can think of his this array could get too big
and it's causing my application to crash.  I've been getting this
error for the past 2 days and it always seems to happen after 11 to 13
hours after I started my application.  If the array is getting bigger,
how can I prevent this from happening.  Also, my total memory keeps
going up while my application is running.  In aprox. 8 hours my memory
goes up by 150 000.  I have the limit set to 4G, but why is my memory
keep growing.

Thanks in advance

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