Hi Steve,

I have to confess that I am having a hard time folling this.

Could you please post an example to clarify?

Without that I will put forth a theory that may explain what you are

First for the not wired to connector pane terminals.

The will be set to their default state when the VI is loaded in to
memory. As long as the VI stays in memory the boolean will maintain
its state until changed by an user or set via code. I have seen people
uses controls as a type of memory. I do not.

Next, the boolean wired to the icon connector.
The control will take on the value assigned to it by the calling code
via the wire that is connected to it. If no wire is connected, LV will
set it to its default value in your behalf.

Does this help?

Otherwise post an example and we will investigate further.

Trying to help,


<a href="
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