Thanks to those who replied.

I had a caffeine deficiency moment when I posted this message and it was
completely wrong. The problem was trivial and elsewhere and I jumped too
quickly to thinking the global wasn't updating!

Interesting idea on the queue wrapper, but I don't think I'll make much use
of it. I tend to create all the queues at initialisation with names that
just remind me what they do and then store the references in globals for
wherever I want to use them. I've never named a queue anything like any of
my .VI names, and I don't think I've ever used the name of a queue anywhere
other than at creation of the queue. It's just like a comment to me.

Using the native dequeue also means I avoid having to convert a variant back
to G data. Different coding styles.

George Gatling (Contractor) wrote:
> Perhaps not what your looking for, but all the same...
> A while back I created some queue and notifier templates that have
> been VERY useful.  The template is one reentrant vi to enque and
> deque.  It stores the refnum in a USR on first call, and names the
> queue according to the name of the VI.  Everywhere I want access to
> the queue, I drop an instance of this vi.  By using the name of the
> VI (via the property node) I never accidentally name the queue
> incorrectly.  I usually use just enque/deque, but it would be simple
> to add more functions.
> A copy of the template is attached.
> George
> At 07:09 AM 2/25/2004, you wrote:
>> When I have a strict typedef as the datatype of a queue, and I hold
>> the reference to the queue in a global, changes to the typedef don't
>> propagate to the global reference. Is there a way to make it happen?
>> A different way of creating the reference for example? I'm presently
>> using the context menu "Create Constant" and cut&pasting to the
>> global.
>> --
>> Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
>> Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

Dr. Craig Graham, Software Engineer
Advanced Analysis and Integration Limited, UK.

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