
>Wow, what an entrance!
>Welcome to the list PJM_Labview!

Thank you. I usually post on info-labview.

>Where did you get that from?

I did not get it from anywhere or anybody, I built it.

One way to do that is to put on a Front Panel all the objects you want
to get info about then with VI server you can get access to all of
them(Open VI Ref->VI:Front
Panel->Panel:AllObjects->Forloop->GObject:ClassID and ClassName) and
get their CID and Class Name.

The problem with this is that it only work with object you know about;
for the others I used another method.

There is a locked VI in LV7.0 that allows dynamic instanciation of
controls. The name of the VI is "Get Contorl From Type"
and it is located in LVRoot\project\_NewProbeWizard.llb\Get Contorl
>From Type If you look at the type descriptor (of
unnamed controls) you will see that the third number in the array is
the CID. So it is possible to create a VI that generate all the
objects refnums (to get their name, manually change them to a
constant). I will caution anyone who wants to play with that VI, you
WILL (<-no may, but will) crash labview by generating these refnums
(so better save your stuff before hand).

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