
Marco Tedaldi wrote:

Jacoby, Kenneth wrote:

 I would like to programmatically control the background color of the digital
 controls and indicators on my front panel, but I cannot find that property
 listed on the property node for the indicators/controls.

You can change it in the proterty node under "numeric text"/"text
colors"/"BG Color" (in Version 6i and 7)...

Numeric Text.Text Colors controls the color of the text and the background color of the text box. Numeric Text.Colors controls the foreground and background colors of the text box (almost, but not quite, partially redundant). But there does not seem to be any property to control the colors of the indicator frame, although both foreground and background can be changed with the paint brush.

        Paul F. Sullivan


        SULLutions              (781)769-6869
        "when a single discipline is not enough"



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