Becky  FAB!!

This work a treat.  I supprised that the tulip dll should be disabled by
default.  This cause a great deal of time wasting.  But thank all the same.
Since you have NI-VISA installed, you need to make it aware of Agilent VISA.
This is not enabled by default.  You would need to go into MAX, edit VISA
options, and enable the NiVisaTulip.dll Passport.

Dan Mondrik
Senior Software Engineer, NI-VISA
National Instruments"

That work a treat.
"BeckyB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Wayne -
> This question was answered in a <a
> post</a>.  Please let me know if the information in the linked posts
> work for you.  Have a great day!
> Becky B.
> Applications Engineer
> National Instruments

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