I am writing a data link to communicate between a PC running LV 6.0.2 and an
industrial computer. The link on RS232C will run @ 9600 baud and the
throughput is such that I'm using 1/4 to 1/3 of capacity. The industrial
computer sends the data and has a 500 byte buffer each for send and receive.
But the data is all one way from the industrial computer to the PC. The PC
will save this data to disk continuously and also present displays etc.

It sounds like there are many ways to operate the serial port in LV (maybe
VISA, maybe direct port manipulation, more likely old-fashioned serial port
VI's?. I haven't done much checking but I wondered what the consensus was
for the best method for this type of application. Since PC's only have a
buffer of a few bytes, I would prefer to have something automatically handle
the interrupts and have a big input buffer that I just read from time to
time (say every 50 to 100 msec). I used to do that interrupt handler stuff
in assembler in the DOS days.

The LV application will be compiled/built to an EXE. I'm writing both sides
of the link so I can impose whatever design I want.


R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

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