Shan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Can you provide more information on what you are trying to do?  What
> do you mean by "a VI's text file" -- a text file of data generated by
> a vi?  Or do you mean something akin to the "equavilent line code" of
> a block diagram?  If your looking for line code, it doesn't exist.
> Tim

The "equavilent line code" of  a block diagram ...

Edit that it ...and run the VI..

If I display an HPVEE program as a text file...

Modify the line code in Word (Much quicker that going to the Block
Diagram and making

alot of changes..)...If it's alot of the same changes in a big program
( our case).. ( > 1MB)..lets say..


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