
It looks as though you want to parse the "data 1" and use part of the
string to index a case statement, then pass the value to it.

Did you really want to have multiple data with special index in each?
Or do you have four (4) active data strings and you want to send the
data to the appropriate case?

An easy way is to truncate the first 2 or three letters and feed it to
the case structure.  I would recommend having a default case,
typically "0".  The identifiers within the case would simply be those
first 2 or 3 characters.

In the situation where you have multiple entires, such as Data1...
Data4, then, you may have to put them into a loop (while?) and
manipulate them in the manner that you want before sending it to the
case statements... In this situation, you would need multiple Case
Statements, one for each Datax... but this is unlikely, right?

Let us know more details of how you want the data to be evaluated, is
it inparallel, or could you use a single DATA and type in any of the
selections, and so on..



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