
You asked:

For users who receive the list in "list-mode" (1 big file), wouldn't the
list be easier to read if it were sorted by subject (after accounting for
the "Re:", "Re:RE" etc & "Fw" etc.) ?

Not everyone manages to get the subject right every time, so a fully automated threading would miss some entries. I think the digest itself should be left as is.

If you want a different format, create it locally (and maybe offer it to others). The simplest way to get the threaded effect is to open the digest in a word processor and search for each subject in turn. You could also create macros to actually resort the list into a threaded form.

Speaking of macros, I maintain a cumulative digest for each month with a couple of WORD macros to disable grammar and spell checking (to kill all those distracting colored lines), append the new entry, and save the cumulation with a bookmark at the point I've left off. I'd be glad to supply them to anyone who'd like them.

        Paul F. Sullivan


        SULLutions              (781)769-6869
        "when a single discipline is not enough"



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