Charles Lasnier wrote:

How about this? Try putting a square of neutral gray cardboard someplace in the image where it will never move. Average a few pixels from the cardboard image and subtract that value from the rest of the image to account for lighting differences. Then take the image difference to look for motion.
This is probably not perfect because very dark-colored areas won't change brightness much when the lights come on.
-Charlie Lasnier

Sounds goot, but has some drwabacks.
The Rats are eating everything (really everything, they have eaten the shrink-isolation from the pins of the IR-Leds over the weekend, which was mounted at a locathion where we thought the could not reach). And they seem to especially love cardboard (put a empty toilett-paper-roll in a rat cage and you won't find anything of it after a few days).

Actually I had to change the camera. The new one has about 4 times the noise-level of the old one, so I have to try to reduce the noise (averaging or filtering?) first.

And I've found out, that Changing Light isn't a real problem at all.

Thanx to all who responded, I have learned some things :-)


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