nightlight wrote:

> i have been trying to output a digital value using parallel port. i
> know there are two ways to do that. one is to use visa and the other
> is portin and portout function. The labview version i am using is 6.i
> student edition, so it doesn't support portout with the accessHW
> function. therefore i am left with only visa. i have some difficulty
> in getting it work. i grounded pin 11 and pin 12, and tried to use a
> multimeter to measure the voltage between the one of the data lines
> and ground. i thought when i ran the program and adjust the value that
> i output to the port, the value i read from the multimeter should
> change between 0v and about 5v according to the value i give. but i
> never changed, always stayed at 3.3v. could anybody tell me the
> possible reasons?

Well, I guess the student edition does not have support for the Call 
Library Node, does it?
Otherwise you could go to
where you will find the files to do what the accessHW library is 
supposed to do. It works for me for NT4, W2K and XP, but I haven't 
tested it on W9x although it should work there too.

That about the logic levels of the parallel port: don't expect to good 
voltages on a notebook computer and even desktops do have some problems. 
0.8 V for logic 0 is sometimes already quite low and 3.3V for logic one 
can also often be the max you can expect.

Rolf K

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