Having experience with distributing GPIB applications myself, I have long decided to 
stick with the basic GPIB Read and Write
functions. You don't need VISA for those. Also, IVI is nice to get started but each 
driver requires an install for the DLL's it
needs. You should be able to read the IVI driver code and build a few simple GPIB 
calls to do what you need. Power supplies have a
limited command set.

Michael Aivaliotis

> I just tried to load an executable I built. In addition to 
> loading the executable (which is thankfully very easy) I had 
> to load VISA drivers, GPIB drivers and IVI drivers. All this 
> for a relatively simple program that controls one GPIB power 
> supply. Oh for the good old days when you just had to load 
> one thing. Fortunately all this work is in-house. I'd hate to 
> have to send this to someone and have them install it. Sorry 
> for the rant. I just hope someone at NI is listening.

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