> I try to use the intensity graph as an xy-input device. The user
> should be allowed to drag the cursor to enter the value. However, the
> user can always move the cursor outside the plot area, which causes
> the corresponding axis to rescale. I want to have strictly fixed upper
> and lower limits. Is there any way to achieve this? One possible
> solution would be to reset the min/max values every time the cursor
> was moved (and coerce the cursor position back into the range). A
> simpler approach would be appreciated!

You don't say what version of LV you are using, but if it is relatively 
recent, right click on the graph and go to Advanced and uncheck the 
option to have Cursors Scroll Graph.  The user can still drag and 
release the cursor under the edge of the graph, but this will not change 
the scales.  You can pretty easily filter cursor points that are out of 
range and even write back to the cursor value if you need to.  I believe 
that if there is data in the plot and the cursor is set to lock to the 
plot, then it cannot be dragged outside the data either, and that is 
another solution.

Greg McKaskle

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