Hi Azad,

Here are some basic steps to get you going.  Sorry I'm not going into

Place the vi's that acquire the data within a while loop.  Initialize
a timestamp (using a Get Date/Time vi) and wire it to the same while
loop.  Place another "Get Date / Time" within the while loop and
compare it with the one that you used outside the loop.  Compare it
(G.E. >=) to a control that has the amount of time you want to store
the data.  Wire the boolean output to the conditional terminal which
should be set to "Stop if True".

Open or Create a file outside the While Loop.

Here you have a choice:

A) Depending on how many data points you want to store... You may
temporarily store the data within buffers (use shift registers) and
write the data to file upon exit of the While Loop.

B) Or, you can  aquire and write the values to the file within the
While Loop.

You may want to put a delay if you want to take measurements at given
intervals.  You may even want to store timestamps.  You can place this
into the array and store in into a spreadsheet.

You can have one shift register for each of the data items you want to
store, or you can place everything into an array first, then wire that
to the shift register (this is probably preferred).

There are many ways to implement this. Experiment a little, look at
examples, and adopt the method which suits you best.

Don't forget to close the file after you are done writing to it..  ;o)

Hope this helps..


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