The path the custom menu is saved in the VI relative to itself. If you
move the VI, saving to an .llb or building an executable moves it
since the path changes, the VI can no longer find its menu.

You can dynamically build a path the menu by getting the current VI=92s
path and checking to see if it has an .llb or .exe in it. If it does,
start stripping the path until you get to a folder, then add the menu
filename so you have the correct, absolute path to the menu file. Then
drop a property node set to the =91VI=92 server class and set the property
to =91Run-Time Menu Path=92. Connect the path you built to this and the VI
will always be able to find its menu.

If this isn=92t the problem, the menu file must have been corrupted and
will need to be rebuilt.


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