I have a wave form graph.  High sample rate data (>5Khz) is displayed
on the graph and the x scale has the appropriate multiplier to show in

I use the property node to move the cursor and another property node
to read the cursor position.  The specification for the move does not
agree with the indicated position.  Increasing the value for
significant digits or digits of precision in the wavefrom properties
does not improve the situation.

If I change the x range to zoom in around the intended cursor position
and then perform the cursor move, I get agreement between specified
and indicated cursor position.

I can "zoom out" and still get agreement.  Therefore,the only way to
get agreement is to first zoom the graph in on the intended value and
then perform the cursor move before showing the normal graph.

Seems like there is a "bug" in waveform module...

Has anyone encountered this?

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