Hi! All,
I am developing a LabVIEW program password
Front  Panel Controls do not respond and get locked
up. To regenerate the error do the following
1. Enter the password "employee1"
2. Press LOGIn button
3. Press CLOCK OUT button
After this the front panel controls gets locked and
does not take any value.

If you try to give the password as employee2 and
perform the above steps..the front
panel gets locked up.

The only case it keeps working is when password is
"employee1" and everytime "ClockIN" 
button is selected.

The BD has an event case for the controls "Clock In" and "Clock Out".
I have tried to debug and everything seems right....is there a way I
can attach the snap short or the VI itself? If not then in case anyone
wants to have a look at the VI can can send it to his/her email ID.
Any help is appreciated!!

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