Hello Group,

Please could someone suggest how to approach & begin creating the 
 following in LabView?...  I've already done lots of procedural and 
 event-driven programming, and have worked my way through the most part of 
 the main LabView 7 evaluation tutorial.

Background: We're about to start using LabView to create an automated 
 test environment. We have chosen LabView over Visual Basic as we think 
 that LV ought to manage comms and file handling more easily, and allow 
 later modifications to be made more simply (by non-programmers) than 
 having to wade through reams of hostile-looking code! --- Right or wrong??

Basically, we need to:

1) have on-screen buttons to let the user select different sequences of 
 GPIB commands which are sent to a remote test instrument;
2) display messages to the user, depending on certain conditions (e.g. 
 comms success/failure, reaching a certain point in the execution of the 
 GPIB commands, etc.);
3) branch to and/or loop around the different blocks of required command 
4) have LV interrogate the instrument for the resulting data;
5) perform operations on the data, including arrays of complex (real & 
 imaginary) numbers;
6) re-arrange the array/s and save as a .csv (comma-separated variable) 
 flat file for use by Excel etc.

As I said above, just knowing the local descriptions of the required 
 building blocks would be a good start.

Many thanks in advance,

Matt Rhys-Roberts
Electronics & IT Engineer,

PS. Furthermore, does anyone here ever chat online about LabView matters, 
 e.g. on IRC, MSN, whatever?

(I hope my enquiry hasn't come at a bad political time for this group!)

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