Hey guys, 

I created a test that takes a relatively long time to complete (~6 hours
over all temperatures).  In order to avoid eating into my development
time, we wanted to use a computer running a stand alone .exe file built
from this Labview program.  The build process runs smoothly, but I've
had a lot of errors cropping up once I start the .exe program.  I
installed the LV Run time engine, NI-Visa, and all the .dlls associated
with this program (tktds7k_32.dll, instrup.dll, and a usb driver needed
for some in house software that I'm controlling).

One particular computer was giving me fits (a compaq), so I switched it
out for a newer, faster dell machine.  All the libs copied over fine,
but once I ran the program, it gave me the following error about an hour
into the test.  This is the same error that I was getting with the
Compaq machine, but with the Compaq, it would bug out within 5-10
minutes.  The node and subVI mentioned are always the same.

"LabVIEW:       An exception occurred within the external code called by
a Call Library Node.  This might have corrupted LabVIEW's memory.  Save
any work to a  new location and restart LabVIEW.

VI "Jitter Test with Temp.vi" was stopped at node 0x410 of subVI
"tktds7k Set Measurement Source.vi"."

I just realized that my development machine is running Windoze2k and the
target machine is running WinXP.  Could that have something to do with
it?  When I ran the .exe file on my development machine, it ran through
the whole test without any problems.  I left it over the weekend and
when I came in, it had finished without generating this error.  What
could be different between the two computers?

Also, sometimes, the .exe file won't even start on the target machine
because there are communication errors with my scope and other system
components.  They vary between these messages:

*  tktds7k Initialize.vi<ERR>Driver Status:  (Hex 0xBFFF0039) Unable to
queue the asynchronous operation because there is already an operation
in progress.
*  tktds7k Initialize.vi<ERR>Driver Status:  (Hex 0xBFFF0078) The value
of some parameter (which parameter is not known) is invalid.

And finally, whenever the .exe application is closed, there is an error
that an instruction at location "0x7343FF3F" could not read the memory
at the same location.  This particular error happens on either the
target machine or the development machine.

Does anyone have any ideas about these errors?  Even references to
documentation about the application builder would be greatly
appreciated.  (I've had some trouble finding any details about the app
builder in the Labview manuals.)

Thank you, 


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