
Try adding this to your LabVIEW settings file.  I'm not certain that it
will fix your problem, but it might.


By default, LV7 AppBuilder does not include type definitions and unused
instances of polymorphic VIs into executable in order to decrease size of
application. If some VI in your exe calls a VI outside (that was not
planned by AppBuilder) and uses a type definition in order to pass
parameters, you will meet such kind of problem for sure. This undocumented
ini setting disables this new feature.


Eric Samsel wrote:
> I'm trying to use the Call by Reference node to dynamically call certain
> subvi's. It works great during my testing. However, after building the
> application, all of my Type Specifier VI Refnums go back to the initial
> way they look when they are created. Saving values as defaults doesn't
> work. When I quit my application and come back the connector panes still
> match as they should. The problem only occurs when I build... Does anyone
> know why this is happening or what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Eric Samsel

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