On Friday, March 19, 2004, at 04:32 PM, Coradeschi, Tom [AMSRD-AAR-AIS-E] wrote:

As I slowly fade from the scene, I'd also like to thank all of you for
making this a really great experience. Way back when I was a heavy Igor and
LabVIEW user, the lists made a tremendous impact on my ability to do my work

Back in the day, when I first picked up LV as a tool, I found this strange, warped community running out of an army base. Hard as it was for an ex-Air Force bloke like me to admit, this army guy seemed to have a Good Idea, and if the books were to be audited I'm sure I've received far more help than I've given over the years.

I've joined the group three times, and left it twice as my tasks have changed over the years (I've still got my first set of LV distribution floppies) but every time I've needed it, Tom's server has been there. Tom, you've gone above and beyond the call for years now, and if you didn't have that little server of yours ticking over in the closet all these years, I'd never have been able to do half of what I did.

A tip of the hat to you for your years of service to the community. I don't have a virtual gold watch to give you, but here's the closest thing I can find to it: http://www.humanclock.com/clock.php

Ya done good, kid. Thanks for the effort. And if'n you find yourself in Milwaukee anytime, give a holler.

Have Fun, Arlen

In God we trust, all others must supply data

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