Dear Group,

Please can you educate me, my brain's exploding here. I've been given a huge, 
old-style procedural flow diagram to code up in LabView 7, to create an automated test 
environment. (Thanks so far to Chris Harden for your help, but I'm still stuck on 


So far, I've broken it down into individual processes, which I've saved as individual 
VIs. Until I can get my hands on our GPIB instruments, these processes are just dummy 
VIs (i.e. chains of message boxes explaining what _will_ be going on) so that I can 
hopefully check the overall flow with the program designer.

I'm having great difficulty in figuring out how to sequence these dummy subVI's, 
epecially since there's no actual meaningful data flowing yet, only the 'enable' input 
to the beginning of a chain of message boxes within any subVI, ending with the 'OK' 
output from a final message box at the end of that subVI. I don't understand exactly 
what to do with the connector panes; I wish they were connectable to the block 
diagram, not things on the front panel!

I just don't know how well LabView actually allows a person to achieve any procedural 
programming at all; all I've seen so far are mostly stand-alone routines that seem to 
suffice in simple cases. I can drive a 3 or 4 case structure from a 3 button dialog 
box with no problem, but I want to run a subVI by pressing a button on that box and 
have it behave as a pop-up front panel that then closes and returns to the 3 button 
dialog box after completion.

I expect I'm over-complicating everything as usual due to lack of knowledge. If anyone 
can suggest how to structure the LabView code to achieve the above flow diagram, I'd 
be supremely grateful!

Best regards and may your code always work,

Matt Rhys-Roberts

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