
I have a rather strange behaviour. I've made a runtime menu with a couple 
of entries (all are type UserItem).

Now I have an EventStructure which handles the event <This VI> 
MenuSelection (User).

Inside the EventStructure I get information on the selected item by reading 
ItemTag which is wired to a CaseSelector.

The funny thing is: If I click let's say the item "Create new profile" this 
event seems to be produced twice. The first occurence is handled by 
EventStructure A. EventStructure B which is called after EventStructureA is  
also configured to handle Menu Selection (User) and it triggers immidiately 
returning the same ItemTag than StructureA.  I can't accept this behaviour.

1. Do I have to "consume" the first event that it won't be handled a second 
time by another EventStructure. How could this be done?

2. Maybe there are two events produced. The first when I press the mouse 
button on the menu entry, the second on releasing. Is this correct.

3. What exactly is "MenuTracking" and "Block menu" ?

Thanks for your help

Oliver Friedrich

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