subscriptions to info-lv are on hold so Alex asked me to send this on his behalf.

Dear List,

As many of you know, I have been the editor of the Info-LabVIEW FAQ since it's 
inception in 1999. While I was with ICON
Technologies, ICON provided the web space and resources to host the FAQ on its web site
(<http://www.icon-tech.com.au/thelabviewfaq.html>). I have recently left ICON for a 
new position and as such I have decided to move
the FAQ to a new host.

>From the many options available for a new host, I have decided to relocate the FAQ to 
>the LAVA forums
(<http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?showforum=30>). Thanks especially to the 
generous donation of time and resources from
Michael Aivaliotis in making this transition speedy and painless.

The reasons for hosting the FAQ on the LAVA forum are numerous. Some of these are:

1. The forum format allows any member of the LabVIEW community the freedom to add FAQs 
as they become FAQ'ed rather than waiting on
my time to do the data collection. I think that this is important to allow the FAQ to 
progress and grow as the community decides
rather than as my time dictates. The FAQ forum will always be moderated and to begin 
with I will be playing the role of moderator so
it shall remain a clean, impartial repository of all the great knowledge that we 
accumulate as we wire away.

2. The forum format allows attachment of images so it is now easier to include 
diagrams for illustration.

3. The forum format encourages topic breakdowns enhancing the FAQ readability.

In addition, I hope that the FAQ will grow to encompass information gleaned from the 
comp.lang newsgroups and truly become the first
stop for those seeking LabVIEW enlightenment.

In the near future we will be looking at creating a html and pdf downloadable version 
of the FAQ as was done previously, so keep
your mice poised for this development.

Hope your wires remain forever unbroken ;-)

Alex Le Dain

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