Sorry to do this twice, but I forgot to change the Subject.

We have been asked to repeat the NIWeek session -- The Good, the Bad, 
and the Ugly.

Basically it is the review and attempted improvement of LV diagram code 
by a member of the LV development team.  The presentation is typically a 
slide or two of overview for an application, then jumping into LV to 
look at the before and after code.  The audience members get into the 
act as well, and hopefully everyone learns something in the process.

To do this requires VIs that someone is willing to offer up for review 
-- we call them our guinea pigs.  We will remove the hints about 
ownership and will keep everything anonymous.

If you have an application that you wish had turned out better, maybe 
its performance was less than you'd hoped, maybe the UI is a bit homely, 
perhaps there were features you wanted to add that seemed impossible or 
really hard to do in LV.  You can send the VIs directly to me using the 
address Greg.McKaskle at along with a descriptive email of what 
the app did, what it didn't do, what was hard, etc.

Thanks in advance.
Greg McKaskle

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