Hey Jawalk01,

I would also suggest looking at the Write to Text File and Read from
Text File examples that ship with LabVIEW 6.0.  You can find these by
opening LabVIEW and going to Help>> Examples>> Fundamentals>> File I/O
>> ASCII Files >> Write to Text Files (or Read from Text File).  The
Read from Text File example reads data from a file back into a chart.
You will need to modify the Read from Text File example to fit the
format of your data.  If you have a file created in Excel then you can
save it as a text file so that LabVIEW can read it.

Another option would be to use activeX to access the Excel file.
Here's a link to a document that discusses activeX and LabVIEW in
<a href =
ActiveX and LabVIEW</a>

You can also find lots of examples by searching on our website.

I hope this helps!

Sarah Miracle
National Instruments

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