Wayne Si wrote:

> I need to pass the pointer of an initialized 1D array of U8 type to my
> Dll file. At first, I set the length of the 1D array and initialized
> it. Then I configured the Call Lib Node and made the input parameter
> as 1D Array Pointer of U8 type. The prototype of the called function
> in my Dll file is:
> EXPORT void Grab(unsigned char *LVPict)
> Also, I had a goble pointer of 1D buffer in my Dll file, defined as
> LPBYTE pImage, and I wrote the data in the goble buffer to the 1D
> array, using
>  for (DWORD i=0; i<dwSize; i++) LVPict[i]=pImage[i];

I would hope you define your global pointer rather as a global buffer 
such as

#define SIZE      xx // some number which is for sure big enough

uInt8 pImage[SIZE];

What you have shown:

LPBYTE pImage;

only defines a pointer to nothing, so your loop references invalid memory.

Rolf K

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