
you asked on Wed, 14 Apr 2004 12:02:42 +0530:

We are planning to build a test system for testing a power supply
module. Power supply module has 10 outputs ranging from 5V to 24V
We are planning to use a single NI DMM 4060 / 4070. and a switch
multiplexer (SCXI 1127 as there are some other high voltage measurements to be done)

My questions are
Is it possible to measure the voltage and currents of Power supply
module outputs,  Without any cabling change in between test (Human intervention).
As far as voltage measurement its fine, but I want to know about the current 
Will I be able to switch between 10 outputs and measure current using this hardware 
(with all that HVAB back plane HV to BNC cable)
Can this be done without any human intervention once the test is configured.
Others have answered this. I am a little late.
But I was in the very same situation.

First let me support the older answer that you cannot measure voltage _and_ current at the very same time. I'm not sure if one can connect both a voltage and a current cabling at the very same time. The DMM connector pane shares the 'low' connector for voltage and current, so this would work anyway just for measuring currents running to 'low'.
As you already could read, you have to multiplex those connections in order to get full degree of freedom.

In my project I had to choose between a much more complicated switching array (in order to do the measurement multiplexing) or a second DMM. For easier switching enlargement capabilities we choosed to use two independent DMMs, one for voltage and the other for current measurements. The costs would have been equally for both options in our setup, but when the test system is enlarged for more test sockets (as expected) this is much easier and cheaper now. AND its easier to program when just accessing different HW for different tasks. Otherwise one would have to change the setup too when changing the measurement task.

Hope this helps.

Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Uwe Frenz Entwicklung getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG Oderstr. 59 D-14513 Teltow

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