A few more thoughts:
1) Shane has definitely hit on the right idea, but there is another
dimension to it.  Using complex data structures does add additional
memory and performance hits beyond the fact that you have to keep all
of the data together.  When storing data in memory there is obviously
some overhead associated with each level of complexity you add to a
data structure (you have to somehow keep track of what is in the
structure, and where it resides in memory).

Does this mean that you shouldn't use complex data structures?  No,
the value in readibility and maintainability that you gain by using
well designed data structures will almost always outweigh the modest
performance hit they cause.  There are almost always optomization
issues involved with writing better code (true of any language), if
memory and speed are truly all you are concerned about, then you would
be writing in assembler.  As Shane said, the memory and performance
guidelines are generally only applicable in cases of mis-use, or in
cases where you have to squeeze just a few microseconds out of a VI.

2) You should never use a local variable to pass data that could be
passed by a wire.  Local variables cost memory and performance (not
much, you shouldn't worry about it in cases where they are neccessary,
but it can add up if misused).  In addition, they reduce the
readability of your VI, since there is data being transfered without
any visible link.  They also make execution control harder and can
lead to race conditions if misused.  As Shane said, if you find that
you have to string wires a long way across your diagram then you
probably aren't making use of SubVIs or organizing your block diagrams

3.  There are some Object Oriented principles which are difficult to
accomplish with LabVIEW.  It's generally possible to do most things,
but they may be more difficult than in other languages (which in some
cases may be for the best, design patterns which apply well in other
languages don't always make as much sense in LabVIEW).  LabVIEW is a
language which is under constant development, and it is likely that
Object Oriented programming will become easier with time.  In the mean
time, I believe that there have been a couple of open source projects
aimed at improving LabVIEW's Object Oriented capabilities.  I haven't
personally used any of them, but if you are interested I would guess
that openg.org would probably be a good place to start.

4) NI teaches a number of courses aimed at improving development
techniques (LV Intermediate I probably focuses on it the most).
Ideally, taking these would be a great idea, however, we understand
that this may not be affordable or practical for university students.
The ideal solution on an academic level would be to teach university
courses on it, or at least include it in current courses.  NI is very
commited to assisting anyone who wants to expand the LabVIEW
instruction which their courses are providing, we provide a large body
of resources and contacts which can make it a lot easier to
incorporate this material.  You should encourage your professors to
work with their local NI reps to take advantage of these resources.

For a more short term solution, the LabVIEW Development Guidelines
would probably be a good place to start:

5) As with the rest of your questions, no simple yes/no answer to this
one.  LV 7.0 is faster for some things, as we are always working to
optomize our code and slower for others, as new features or better
written code sometimes add overhead.
provides some examples, but the fact is that it really varies by
application.  In general they tend to balance out and most
applications run at about the same speed.

Finally, a note about using the forum: In general, you'll probably get
many more answers to your questions if you post them seperately, most
people are more willing to read a paragraph or two and post their
thoughts on it than they are to read a page and write a long response
to a number of questions (luckily there are some exceptions :)).

Hope some of that helps,
Ryan K.

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