Multi-channel data acquisition via GPIB using a digital oscilloscope
(Tektronics TDS3034) and LabVIEW 6.1

Dear all,

I am using LabVIEW 6.1 in combination with a PCI-GPIB card to acquire
signal waveforms via a digital oscilloscope (Tektronics TDS3034).

For all operations I am using the basic GPIB commands to communicate
with the scope and not the instrument driver VI's !

Until now, I had to acquire input signal waveforms from only one
channel. I did that by initializing the scope once using the basic
GPIB commands in a sequence structure. After that, I read the data
into an 1D array in the LabVIEW program.

Now, I have to extend my the program to handel multi-channel waveforms
which are acquired by the scope.

What is the best way to handle the multi-channel signal waveforms, and
their associated channel setting parameters in my LabVIEW program
(preferring to use only basic GPIB commands)?

It would be very nice if somebody could help me with this and give me
some suggestions (may be somebody did such a thing before).

Best regards,


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