when I use serial write.vi from Labview 6.1 there is no problem i can
communicate with my RS-232. I am unable to communicate with the same
RS-232 when I made another program in Labview 7.0 using VISA's. My
Program is a simple one with visa intialization, visa open, visa write
and visa close. It doesn't show any error but not transfering any
data. I didnot change any of the intializing settings. Configuration
of my serial communication is 9600baudrate,8 bit,no parity and stop
bit is 1. I also tried to use an example program and I opened hyper
terminal on another computer I didnot see any thing on the
hyperterminal. I am wondering why the serial communication worked in
labview 6.0 and not working in Labview 7.0, am I doing anything wrong
in Labview 7.0?

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