Dear Carnivorus:

     I would venture to say that perhaps there is not enough memory to
     complete the operation! :)   All snide aside, working with large
     arrays takes some serious number crunching.  You might try twiddling
     your swap file size (on the Advanced properties tab of My Computer in
     win2K and later).  However, you're probably bumping up against the
     absolute limit of the OS.
     If there is ANY way of dividing and conquering your data so as to
     not have to deal with such a large array, I think you should
     invistigate it.  YOu may find you don't need anywhere near the samples
     you think you do.  (voice of experience,here!)  Or perhaps you don't
     need the dynamic range.  (On most DAQ cards, you can't change the
     number of bits, but you might be able to use a card with fewer than
     you're currently using)


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