
thanck you very much for your answer.
My Q however was meant a little 'wider'.
You wrote:
The file structure is flexible enough to allow defining the "data type" of a row at the time the file is written. ...
> this has
meant dreaming up a file format (usually ASCII) on the spot. However, this was pretty irritating when it came time to read the files later and we could not remember exactly how we had written them.

So the fact that the new file format will let us write these nearly arbitrary clusters to disk the same way independent of cluster type is a BIG win. Now I am just tackling the problem of how to read the files back in a way that is also largely independent of cluster type.

Hope this answers your question!

So if I got you right, this tool is meant as a universal logger and retriever of lab DAQ data. Your scientists seem to be satisfied with a SubVI containing all data that has been written some times, independently from what eqquipment was used and how it was composed to a complete system.
This SubVI with data is than -later- be used to individually analyse or process those data, right?

If this is true, you should at least also include some time stamps and logs of what VI wrote a given file, what instruments in what mode haven been used and so on. There may be a huge difference in, say, using a 4.5 digit DMM or a 6.5 one, allthough both will provide an array of Dbl into your cluster.

My original Q was meant on _how_ would you process that newly created cluster when you do not know anything about it at devellopment time. But in your case the key seems to be to make those data availabel again for some kind of interactive analysis using LV.


Greetings from Germany!
Uwe Frenz

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Uwe Frenz Entwicklung getemed Medizin- und Informationtechnik AG Oderstr. 59 D-14513 Teltow

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